About Us

We just really REALLY love this game.

It’s hard to believe that this all started as recently as 2020. Time flies when you’re having fun, they say. We’re just so thankful for all of the friends we’ve made and the support we’ve received along this journey.

A Few Ways You Can Support Us For Free


Come up and say ‘hi’

Whether you see us at a local darts event, a convention, or just out and about. We’d love to meet you and talk darts!


Follow us on social media

Search “Low Ton Darts” on Facebook and Instagram and give our pages a follow. If you see our content in your feed, give it a like so that others can see it too.


Tell a friend

Got a friend that’s interested or already into darts? Tell them all about us and where to find out more info!

Three Things We Love Most About Darts

Back View Photo of Man in  Blue Dress Shirt  and Gray Hat Playing Darts
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